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On the Main Menu type "Nada" and then when you are in the game type in these cheat codes:
Code Result
allgod - Make You and team God mode
allammo - Unlimited Ammo
easy - I think to make Level easy
ewww - Make Enemys die
Watch your ammo status and always be ready to reload. The last thing you want is to get stuck reloading during a firefight.
Before rushing into a base, make sure you completely scout it out. There are often safer points of entry.
Watch the security cameras, especially if you're sniping from a distance. If you shoot someone and a camera sees it, the alarm will sound and your goose is cooked.
When you're at the water tower after you kill the sniper there is a rope over to the right of where the sniper just was and if you look up toward's the rope it will indicate that you can use the rope.
How to stop detection from Security cameras with one bullet.
1. Go to the water tower once you have killed two guys in the communications room
2. turn off the cameras in the next room and go up the water tower.[using the computers and the "shift" key]
3. kill the guy. [he shouldn't see you, just sneek up and knife him from behind for fun].
4. get his gun and use the scope to find all the camers.[you will want to turn the alternate fire key to "right click"] {this way u can use the scope by clicking "right click" and use page up or down to zoom in and out}.
5. then simply track down the cameras and one shot from the sniper rifle should blow them up.[or u can shoot the people in the garage area and the two guards outside there [one in the tower and one just to the lower right]
6. this way you only have to go back into the room were you turned off the camers first time, do it again and go around shooting them with any other gun to blow them up.
If you want to kill an enemy but dont get trouble do like this! press space and find an enemy about 200m or closer awey from you look at his stumik and press space agein. take the wepon AK45 and just klick one time
When you are in a level, first try to shoot guards from a distance where they can't see you, because when you go in, it is a lot easier! (it works)