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Vectorman  Dreamcast Cheats

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  Vectorman Cheats





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Vectorman  Cheats On Dreamcast
Vectorman  Dreamcast Cheat Instuctions

Debug mode
At the options screen, press X, A(2), X, Down, X, A(2), X to display a debug menu, including level select.

Full health
Pause the game and press X, A, Right, X, B, X, Down, X, A, Right, X.

Collision detection dots visible
Pause the game and press X, A, X, B, X, A. Four dots will appear around Vectorman. If any projectile or enemy touches or passes through the area that these dots surround, Vectorman will be hit and usually take damage. There is also a fifth dot that represents Vectorman's boot blast. When you use the boot blast, the dot will move downward. If it touches an enemy, the enemy will be hit by the boot blast and take damage.

Pause the game and press Down, Right, X, B, Up, Left, X. The game will slow down when Vectorman is hit. Repeat the code to revert back to normal speed.

Free movement
Pause the game and press B, X, Left(2), X, B, X, A. Vectorman will transform into a cursor that can be moved to any location in the level. Opponents, except for Bosses, are eliminated if they are touched by the cursor. Repeat the code to revert back to normal mode. Note: Enable this code when Vectorman is a bomb for invisibility and invincibility for the remainder of the level.

View map coordinates
Pause the game and press A, X, Left(2), or A, X, Left, Down.

Level warp
Move Vectorman below the Sega logo screen and shoot it 24 times. Jump and hit the logo with Vectorman's head 12 times. The phrase "Get Ready" will appear, then each letter in "Sega" will begin to fall. Collect 90 to 109 letters to warp to level 5. Catch 110 or more to warp to level 10.

Note: This trick only works in a level that contains a morph icon. Get any morph icon, then before you completely change, pause the game and enable the "Free movement" code. Resume the game, then pause the game again and repeat the "Free movement" code. If done correctly, all enemies can be killed by simply walking into them.

Level bonuses
Complete a level without shooting any targets for a point bonus. Complete a level without using photons for a photon bonus.

Destroy the Sega logo
Position Vectorman on the ground just to the right of the Sega logo at the opening screen. Shoot directly up into the air to hit a hidden TV. Jump up from the logo towards that hidden location to collect the Orb power-up that was in the TV. Use the Orb to destroy the Sega logo.

To hover in mid-air, aim down from where Vectorman is falling, then keep shooting. To go higher while hovering, use your jet pack feet. Note: This trick is easier with a controller with a turbo feature.

Invisible and invincible
Collect the power-up to turn into a grenade. Pause the game when it explodes. Enable the "Free movement" code. This should allow you to move anywhere in the level as an exploding bomb. Locate the Boss, if available, at the end of the level. Enable the "Free movement" code again to face the Boss invisible and invincible.

Item preview
To view the various items and power-ups in the game, simply point the option menu cursor to "Information" and press Start

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