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Game Name:
Gothic 2 Cheats
Date Added:
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NOTE: Cheat information below advert
Invincibility & Health Press S then type Marvin then press S again. Now bring up the cheat console by pressing F2 and enter a code below: cheat god - Invincibility cheat full - Max Health lurker - lurker harpie - harpie goto vob - Teleport load position - Load position goto waypoint - Teleport load game - Load game version - Display game version insert - Make item (see list below) print - Get screenshot goto pos - Go to Castle lichtbringer - Quest artifact Items for insert code torlofsaxt roter_wind ulumulu artos_schwert silax_axt diegos_bogen thorus_schwert udshaman_rockefeller icegolem freemineorc meatbug bridgegolem troll youngtroll yscavenger ymolerat xardasdemon swampshark btestmodell ctestmodell dtestmodell ftestmodell gtestmodell htestmodell jtestmodell ababetestmodell perception_testmodell) atestmodell urizielrune xp_map neks_amulett cords_spalter prankenhieb namibskeule dmb_armor_m elementare_arcanei astronomie dungeonkey fakescroll zeitenklinge victim More Items to Insert WEAPONS fortunos_keule : Fortuno's Club innos_zorn : Innos's Revenge (Gomez's Sword) wolf_bogen : Wolf's Bow streitschlicter : Lester's Mediator CREATURES minecrawlerqueen : Minecrawler Queen skeletonmage : Skeleton Mage skeleton : Skeleton demon : Demon firewaran : Fire LIzard waran : Lizard MISC. orcmedicine : Medicine for UrShak's friend in the free mine marine : 1000 ore