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Combat mode codes
Press tilde (~) to bring down the console. Now type EtherRevelation and hit enter. Now you can use any of these codes:
Combat mode codes:
Code Result
lose Lose battle
win Win battle
view_hand Shows enemy hand
hide_hand Hides enemy hand
swap Swap you and enemy
view army View info about army
view hand View info about hand
view players View info of combatant
view spells List spells
Adventure mode codes
Press tilde (~) to bring down the console. Now type EtherRevelation and hit enter. Now you can use any of these codes:
1. Adventure mode codes: Code Result
open_fog Removes fog of war
hide_fog Fog of war on
lose Lose current mission
win Win the current mission
save Quicksave
load Quickload
player Show player info
give all Get 15 of all resources
view resources Info about resources
view heroes Unknown
net start Unknown
net connect Unknown
net host Unknown
Other codes
add spell <4-char code> - Instantly adds spell defined by 4-char code to your hand. Eg. add spell TIWR
add creature <4-char code> - Instantly adds creature defined by 4-char to your army. Eg. add creature TIWR
change health - Change the amount of your hero's health to defined number. Eg. change health 100
change mana - Change the amount of current hero's mana to defined number. Eg. change mana 100
Change links - Change the amount of hero's mana links to defined number. Eg. change links 100
Change enemy - Change the same values for your enemys hero. Eg. change enemy health 1