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Game Name:
Hidden & Dangerous 2 Cheats
Date Added:
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NOTE: Cheat information below advert
Various cheat codes Hit tilde (~) then enter any of the following codes: Effect - Code Heal self - heal 1 Heal entire team - heal 4 Unknown - happyammo 1 Unknown - anorexy <0 or 1> Unknown - hydroshock Die Instatly - kill Spawn indicated item - giveitem Item names Use any of the following item names with the giveitem code: ais akaopt aqualung arisaka backpackgb1 backpackgb2 backpackgb3 backpackger backpackrus bazooka binoculars brengun camera carbine clummybomb colt degtyarev delisle dynamite enfield explosivesbag grand grenade36 grenadeger grenadejap k98opt kniferger knifesas lee k98 tokarev leeopt medikit medikitbig mine mosin mp40 panzerfaust parabellum pps spagin shotgun springfield springfieldop stengun stengunsil taisho tankmine thompson wirecutter zb26