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LABUG - Insect mode
LACDS - Complete map
with enemies - works just like DOOM
LADATA - Your coordinates
LAIMLAME - Full invincibility (as opposed to shields)
LAMAXOUT - Max out all items
LANTFH - Transport to current pos (use when you die)
LAPOGO - Disable height checking (walk real high, no more jumping)
LAPOSTAL - All weapons, shields, health, energy, items This includes 2 mystery weapons
LARANDY - Weapon Supercharge!
LAREDLITE - 'Stop' all the enemies - kill them, but they won't fall until the code is entered again.
LAUNLOCK - Fill inventory
Warping cheat codes
LASKIP - Skip to next level
Command - Lev# Level name
LASECBASE [01] Secret base
LATALAY [02] Talay: Tak Base
LASEWERS [03] Anoat City (Sewers)
LATESTBASE [04] Weapons Research facility
LAGROMAS [05] Gromas mines
LADTENTION [06] Detention Center
LAREMSHED [07] Ramsees Head Docking Port
LAROBOTICS [08] Robotic Facility
LANARSHADA [09] Nar Shaddaar
LAJABSHIP [10] Jabba's Ship
LAIMPCITY [11] Imperial City
LAFUELSTAT [12] Fuel Station
LAEXECUTOR [13] The Executor
LAARC [14] The Arc Hammer
The following are codes the programmer seemed to
have put in for no reason:
What is a secret?
It is almost always a funny looking section of wall with many cracks in it. It takes either a thermal detonator a concussion rifle or a missle to open one up.
How do I get the thermal detonators to open a cracked wall?
There are two ways:
(1) This is the easiest but it is at the end so you don't get to really enjoy blowing up the Imperials. First go to the cargo elevator that takes you to you ship. Around the corner there is a dead end with two power packs and an enemy. Kill and collect then face the dead end. Turn left and press the nudge (space) key on the wall. There is a "mystery movie" secret a turn wall that pushes you into a secret room. In the room there are several thermal detonators one of three weapons that bust walls. This is the only one you can use without cheating.
(2) This is the slightly harder way. Once inside the red key room (the room you got to using the red key) press the yellow switch that opens up a new part in the level leading you to the plans. But once inside the newly opened part with the cargo elevator tun around and you will see another switch on a column. Flip it and return to the red key room. Go to the part with the button
(now green) and look over across the chasm. A small closet with thermal detonators! Jump over
and get them!
I'm sure all of you have found the cracked wall
on the inner atrium. If not look around! There really isn't any way of directing you to it.
If you go to the east balcony (accessible from the cargo elevator or from jumping from the west balcony) you must go to the columns and turn facing the northern edge. If you look closely you will see an open cave like ledge. Align yourself run and jump. Once on the ledge you will notice a narrow catwalk. Jump across or walk over onto it and there will be two secrets on that catwalk one containing the Imperial Repeater Rifle! Be sure to fire the secondary weapon button giving you three bursts at once in a triangle formation!
But the west balcony secret is the best giving you lots of weapons. Get on the west balcony. There are two ways to do this.
(1) Jump across from the east balcony.
(2) Jump through the left window in the red key room.
This is important - go only through the left window. The following sequence was a designer's mistake and the small enough gap is on only the left window. Also once in you cannot go back inside. Go up to th window hold down the crouch key keep it held down jump and run forward. Try until you get it! It won't be done on the first
try most likely but don't give up!
Anyway once on the west balcony walk up to the ltop lefthand corner. Over the chasm you will see a secret wall so toss a detonator at it! Jump in it next. Once inside you will notice a room with a small dead-end hall and a black door. Going to the dead end press space to open a secret panel and flip the switch. It will open the door. In the door flip the switch and it will lower the
wall. There is an Imperial armoury so watch out
for Gamorrean guards Ree Yees Imperial interrigation Droids and Jedi Training remotes.
P.S. - In the Emperor's shrine the red "x" button
is the general alarm deadliest on easy level and
still tough on medium with Imperial Probe Droids!
Here's another not really a secret but more of a
no-no. On the platform with your ship there is a
littl alcove with a structure in the center. On
one side of the structure is a white mesh screen
asseccible by pressing space. It appears to be an
elevator shaft. If you jump into it be warned that it is the same shaft you jump into at the beginning!
Holding down either the enter key or the fire secondary weapons key longer while using the thermal detonator makes you throw it farther. Perfect for knocking down those pesky ledge snipers!
The fire secondary weapon key is useful so be sure to see what is does on all the weapons.
fist - nothing special
blaster pistol - nothing either
blaster rifle - is it me or does it fire slightly faster?
thermal detonator - "bowling ball" and delayed fuse attack. Rolls it quietly over the floor and then explodes after a few seconds
repeater rifle - fires a triple triangle shot
fusion cutter - fires all barrels claymore mines -sets a proximity explosive great for when you are running away!
morter launcher - nothing special
concussion rifle - nothing that I've noticed
assault cannon - fires a missle
HEX Cheats:
The best place to start editing is around offset
The information following "LOGIC: " controls the logic level (and weapons) of the enemy.
The information following "DIFF: " controls the difficulty level the enemy appears on (0=easy 1=medium 2=hard).
The information following "DATA: " controls what the object looks like.
The information following "CLASS: " determines whether the object is a FRAME SPRITE *OR* 3DO.
I_OFFICER = The guys in brown (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 0).
TROOP = Stormtroopers (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 4).
COMMANDO = The guys in black (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 1).
G_GUARD = Gammorrean Guards (CLASS = SPRITE DATA =1).
REE_YEES = The guy with detonators (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 7).
INT_DROID = Interrogator droids (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 8).
REMOTE = The remote thing Luke uses in ANH (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 9).
MINE = Mines (CLASS = FRAME DATA = 2).
GOGGLES = Infrared goggles (CLASS = FRAME DATA = 1).
ITEM ENERGY = 15 energy units (CLASS = FRAME DATA = 0).
ITEM SHIELD = 20 Shield units (CLASS = SPRITE DATA = 3).
DETONATORS = Thermal detonators (CLASS = FRAME DATA = 5).
INVINCIBLE = Limited invincibility (CLASS = SPRITE NO GRAPHIC).
Advanced things to do:
Change one of the .FME listings (they start efore
the listings for the enemies and items) to "ICONCUS.FME" then change one of the items to a LOGIC of CONCUSSION