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Novocaine  DVD Cheats

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  Novocaine Cheats





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Novocaine  Cheats On DVD
Novocaine  DVD Cheat Instuctions

Bunny Outtakes

Go to the "Special Features" screen. Scroll down to "Main". On your remote, press "Left" to highlight hidden rabbit. A different color syringe will appear. On your remote press "Up" "Down" and "Enter". Sit back and enjoy a minute or so of bunny rabbit outtakes. It's kinda cute.

Storyboard of bar scene

Go to the "Special Features" screen. Navigate to the "Trailers" screen. Scroll down to "Special Features". On your remote, press "Right" to highlight hidden rabbit. A different color syringe will appear. On your remote press "Up" "Down" and "Enter". Sit back and enjoy a storyboard of Frank and Harlan in the bar with Duane

Hidden Deleted Scene

Go to "Special Features". Navigate to the "Deleted Scenes" page. Scroll down to "Special Features". On your remote, press "Left" to highlight hidden rabbit. Then hit "Up" "Down" and "Enter" to play an extra deleted scene from the movie. It's kind of weird, with this woman stroking an iris.

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