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Select or hold the smoke grenade. Find another player (Preferably a team mate or if you are courageous enough you can target an opponent) Position yourself so that when he runs you are at the opposite direction running towards him. When the two of you collide, you will stop moving. At that precise moment throw the smoke grenade against him(between his face and torso) if you did it right the smoke grenade won't bounce off as usual, instead it will stick to him like glue. The target won't be able to move for some time until the smoke grenade loses its function and disappears. If you experienced being stuck by this trick try jumping continuously and shoot the smoke grenade by your gun or keep slashing it with your knife to set yourself free.
Purchase a flash bang:
Select or hold the flash bang then go to a corner wall. Push or walk against that corner until u can't go further then throw the Flash bang grenade. The Flash bang grenade won't bounce off, instead, the wall would magically absorb the grenade. As the Flash bang explodes, the blindling light would affect anyone within 20-30 meters as if blinded point blank from the flash bang explosion. No need to throw at doors or openings !
When on the map cs_assault when you are a terrorists lob loads of greandes in the vent and some ct will either be scared off or they will be killed by your greandes.
Get Half the Magnum Sniper Rifle:
the magnum sniper rifle costs $4750, but u can get it at $2280 by following these steps. Activate Friendly Fire, then buy a desert eagle. then shoot your friend whose weapon is a magnum, he dies and you get his gun.. easy huh
type sv_cheats 1 (whoever runs the server) to enable the following "Codes":
/impulse 101 16000 Dollar
/impulse 102 Bloody !
Playing Terrorist team in Counter's uniform. (or counter in terrorist's uniform)
Start the game and press "M" button to change the team then choose team you want to be (terror or counter) then press Shift+I+0 (zero) and not unpress choose your apperance. Terrorist will see you terror but if you press Tab you'll see you counter.
In cs_aztec you can climb on all roofs only you must find 6 friends and climb up to next head so the last can get up to roof and in cs_asault you need only write in console gg 99 then you can get out of server in which you are
playing now in to fastest server
To run console, put -dev -console after counterstrike.exe
Pull down console in game by pressing "`" key (The Key Below The Esc),
type "sv_cheats 1" to activate the cheats.
Air Walking:
In assault map go to the hostage room ( Note: You need 2 people to do this) get 1 hostage or 2 to follow and ask your friend to squat on the floor below the window on top of you then throw a granede up the window and it will break open jump on your teamate's head then hostage jump on top of the window you will notice now u can swim up for 3 seconds and press your left button now you will notice you can walk in the air and headshot your enemies
Type this to see people "glow" in the dark."lambert -1.01" Type this to see people's kills and deaths."cl_hidefrags 0"
Enter the console on the server machine and enter "sv_cheats 1". Then, change maps by typing "changelevel dust" (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the cheat function:
Result Code
$16,000 - impulse101
Arctic sniper rifle - give spaceweapon_awp
Auto-aim with sniper rifle - sv_aim
Adjust gravity - sv_gravity [-999 - 999999]
default is 3600 - gl_zmax[0-9999]
See things brightly without flashlight - lambert -1.0001
View other players' frags - cl_hidefrags 0
Faster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999
Faster backwards motion - cl_backspeed 999
Faster side motion - cl_sidespeed 999
Auto-reload enabled - +reload
Auto-reload disabled - -reload
SetC4 timer - mp_c4timer [1-100]
Hyper auto-aim enabled - sv_clienttrace 9999
Hyper auto-aim disabled - sv_clienttrace 0000
Change crosshair color - adjust crosshair
Reveal how much time left on the map - timeleft
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting - crosshair [1-5]
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6 [Note] - mp_freezetime [seconds]
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5 [Note] - mp_roundtime [3-15]
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0 [Note] - mp_timelimit
Toggle friendly fire [Note] - mp_friendlyfire [0 or 1]
Toggle footsteps, default is 1 [Note] - mp_footsteps [0 or 1]
Level select - changelevel [map name]
Weapon select - give [weapon name]
Skin select - skin [skin name]
Note: For use on server machine only.
Client Trace:
On the host computer, enter: sv_clienttrace 999999999. Every shot will surely hit. The default is 1.
Weapon names:
Use one of the following values with the "give [weapon name]" code to get the corresponding weapon:
Use one of the following values with the "skin [skin name]" code to change to the corresponding skin.
Note: Place the skin name in quotes if they are not ctivated without them.
Skin Name:
SAS sas
GSG9 gsg9
SEAL seal
Terrorist terror
Arab arab
Guerrilla guerrilla
Arctic arctic
VIP vip
Hostage hostage
Speed Upgraded:
To upgrade the speed of your movements in CounterStrike, go to your console and type cl_forwardspeed 999. Repeat this with cl_sidespeed 999 and cl_backspeed 999...This will make your movements faster than ever...
See Thru Wall:
Type gl_zmax 100
Hyper auto-aim:
First, type "sv_cheats 1" on the tilde key(~)then press enter. Then, type "sv_clienttrace 9999" then press enter to become hyper auto-aim. To bring it back to manual aim type "clienttrace 0000"
Look Through Wall,Records:
Use the console first then type the following codes: gl_zmax 0 = Look through walls like that gadget in the latest James Bond movie.You could use an AWP and kill the enemy through the wall which is sheilding him. gl_zmax 3600 = To disable the cheat above.cl_hidefrags 0 = To see other peoples records of kills and deaths.
Key binding:
To activate codes easier, bind them to keys. For example, type bind v "impulse 101" at the console window to bind the "$16,000" code to the "V" key.
Get 90 bullets for Usp.45 Pistol:
Buy a MAC-10 and all its bullets, then buy a Usp.45 Pistol.
Get 120 bullets for Glock Pistol:
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a Glock Pistol.
Note: If you already have it, you do not have to buy another one.
Get 98 bullets for Scout:
Buy a Scout, shoot one bullet and reload. Then, buy the bullets again.
Get 120 bullets for Steyr TMP:
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a TMP.
Get 59 bullets for Usp.45 pistol:
Buy a Usp pistol, shoot one bullet and reload. Buy the bullets again.
Get 89 bullets for H&K Sniper Rifle:
Buy a scout and all the bullets. Shoot once, reload, and buy the bullets again. Then, buy a H&K sniper rifle.
Sniping Ak47:
Aim the crosshair in the middle of the enemy and shoot the bullets two by two. When the crosshair becomes large, run and reload. The target should be dead after you shoot the first two bullets.
Splatter bones and body tissue:
Type bind backspace "impulse 102" at the console window, then press repeatedly press [Backspace] key and bones, tissue, and blood will scatter all over the place