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Slam Jam Playstation Cheats

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  Slam Jam Cheats





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Slam Jam Cheats On Playstation
Slam Jam Playstation Cheat Instuctions

Big Head Mode
Just before you start the game, you will be brought to two scounting report screens, one for each team. At the second screen, highlight Continue and press X or START. As the screen disappears, immediately tap the R1 button repeatedly until the tip-off. After the tip-off, press START to pause the game. Then unpause the game and all the players will have big heads

Secret Teams
At the Main Menu, press L, R, U, D, R1, L1, S, D. When the buzzer sounds, immediately press L, R, U, D, R1, L1, S, U. You should then hear another buzzer. Two new teams shoud be available - Left Field and the Monsters

Shot Percentage Indicator
Just before you start the game, you will be brought to two scounting report screens, one for each team. At the second screen, highlight Continue and press X or START. As the screen disappears, immediately press and hold the L1 button until the tip-off. After the tip-off, press START to pause the game, then unpause the game. Whenever a player takes a shot, an on-screen percentage indicator will tell you the chances of a shot

Small Player Mode
Just before you start the game, you will be brought to two scounting report screens, one for each team. At the second screen, highlight Continue and press X or START. As the screen disappears, immediately tap the L1 button repeatedly until the tip-off. After the tip-off, press START to pause the game, then unpause the game and the players will be tiny

Play As Real Team
At the Team Select screen, find the team you want to play as. Now choose the team just to the right of the one you actually want to play

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