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Cheat List
Press CTRL + ALT + ~ to bring up the console. Press is again to get rid of the console. Here you can enter these cheats:
God Mode: god
All Weapons, Full Health, Full Armor: give all
Walk through walls: noclip
Saves a demo game to an .AVI movie file: aviDemo
Game Benchmark: benchmark
Skip to last level: doomhell
Freeze all on screen: freeze
Graphics card information: gfxinfo
Invisibility to most enemies: notarget
Show FPS: com_showfps 1
Acquire all keys: give keys
Your game status: status
Full Health: give health
Quit or Exit: quit
Restock Ammo: give ammo
Machinegun: give weapon_machinegun
Shotgun: give weapon_shotgun
Plasmagun: give weapon_plasmagun
BFG: give weapon_bfg
Chainsaw: give weapon_chainsaw
Rocket Launcher: give weapon_rocketlauncher
Mars City 1: map game/mars_city1
Mars City Underground: map game/mc_underground
Mars City 2: map game/mars_city2
Administration: map game/admin
Alpha Labs Sector 1: map game/alpha1
Alpha Labs Sector 2: map game/alpha2
Alpha Labs Sector 3: map game/alpha3
Alpha Labs Sector 4: map game/alpha4
EnPro Plant: map game/enpro
Communications Outside: map game/commout
Communications: map game/communications
Monorail Skybridge: map game/recycling1
Recycling Sector 2: map game/recycling2
Monorail: map game/monorail
Delta Labs Level 1: map game/delta1
Delta Labs Level 2A: map game/delta2a
Delta Labs Level 2B: map game/delta2b
Delta Labs Level 3: map game/delta3
Delta Labs Level 4: map game/delta4
Hell: map game/hell
CPU Complex: map game/cpu1
CPU Boss: map game/cpuboss
Site 3: map game/
Caverns Area 1: map game/caverns1
Caverns Area 2: map game/caverns2
Primary Excavation: map game/hellhole
Multiplayer Map 1: map game/mp/d3dm1
Multiplayer Map 2: map game/mp/d3dm2
Multiplayer Map 3: map game/mp/d3dm3
Multiplayer Map 4: map game/mp/d3dm4
Multiplayer Map 5: map game/mp/d3dm5
Characters Type “spawn” and the name of the character to spawn them.
Flaming Zombie: monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie: monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol: monster_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield: monster_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun: monster_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie: monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie: monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw: monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench: monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie: monster_zombie_maint
Zombie: monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb
Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny
Zombie with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe
Zombie in T-shirt: monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Zombie in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie Eating: monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Archvile: monster_demon_archvile
Cherub: monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight
Imp: monster_demon_imp
Maggot: monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus: monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky: monster_demon_pinky
Revenant: monster_demon_revenant
Tick: monster_demon_tick
Trite: monster_demon_trite
Wraith: monster_demon_wraith
Cyberdemon: monster_boss_cyberdemon
Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian
Guardian’s Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary: monster_boss_Vagary
Cacodemon: monster_flying_cacodemon
Lostsoul: monster_flying_lostsoul
Cheat List: PDA and Video
give pda admin_banks
give pda admin_dorweiler
give pda admin_moses
give pda admin_simons
give pda alphalabs1_berger
give pda alphalabs1_krietman
give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
give pda alphalabs1_smith
give pda alphalabs2_chin
give pda alphalabs2_connors
give pda alphalabs3_abrams
give pda alphalabs3_lamia
give pda alphalabs3_nelson
give pda alphalabs3_poota
give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
give pda caverns1_cody
give pda comm1_blake
give pda comm1_finch
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda commoutside_holiday
give pda commoutside_ridge
give pda cpu_bates
give pda cpu_haskell
give pda cpuboss_tooloose
give pda delta1_mora
give pda delta1_price
give pda delta2a_cinders
give pda delta2a_raleigh
give pda delta2a_wilson
give pda delta2b_bullman
give pda delta2b_erikson
give pda delta2b_mcneil
give pda delta2b_stemmons
give pda delta3_cerano
give pda delta3_lee
give pda delta3_shultz
give pda delta4_gilbert
give pda delta5_jackson
give pda delta5_swann
give pda enpro_chasar
give pda enpro_hammer
give pda enpro_raad
give pda hell_garlick
give pda hell_hebert
give pda marscity2_caseon
give pda marscity2_duncan
give pda marscity2_stanton
give pda marscity2_tyson
give pda mc1_berneche
give pda mcunderground_baston
give pda mcunderground_delahue
give pda mcunderground_ryan
give pda mcunderground_young
give pda monorail_cullen
give pda monorail_harding
give pda monorail_hollies
give pda monorail_ross
give pda recycling1_garza
give pda recycling1_sadowayj
give pda recycling2_johnson
give pda recycling2_moen
give pda site3_davis
give pda site3_rogers
give video epd - Download Video disk with content
give video hydrocon
give video mfs
give video bfg
give video chaingun
give video demon_museum
give video ian_report
give video ipn_news
give video plasmagun
give video recycling
give video soulcube
give video tablets
Cheat: Go Berserk
During gameplay, bring up the console by pressing CTRL + ALT + ~ and type the following cheat: give berserk
Cheat: Martian Buddy Locker Code
Go to for the Martian buddy locker code of 0508. The web site address is found in a spam mail on the pda of Alan Dorweiler
Cheat: Modify Def Files
The def files for this game can be found in “doom/base/def” Open these files in a text editor to make modifications on all of the game variables. Note: Back up your definition files in a text file. Incorrectly modifying these files can have unwanted effects on your game and without a backup you may have to reinstall the game, erasing progress
Cheat: Secret PDA
To get the secret PDA from the game administrators, type in: give pda hellhole_id
Cheat: Spawn Power-Ups
spawn adrenaline: Type in spawn powerup_adrenaline
spawn megahealth: Type in spawn powerup_megahealth
spawn invisibility: Type in spawn powerup_invisibility
Hint: Security Pass.
Before you fight the final boss, move to the left and find a little section you can crawl under. There is a brick that says ID. Hit this brick like you would a computer panel. It will open a secret area with a PDA. This PDA will have messages from the programmers and will give you an all access security pass
Hint: BFG Storage Cabinet Code
In Delta Labs Level 2A there is a storage cabinet with a BFG. To unlock the door, enter the code 931
Hint: Demon E-mail
Right before you leave the delta labs for the final time (just before the lift) there is an information console with the red Doom pentagram on it. Hit download and receive a funny message addressed to other demons. It's about tips to opening a portal. It discusses how fresh the virgin’s blood has to be and how big the pentagram should be
Hint: Skip Intro
There is a game bug that let's you start the first actual level with full health, armor and a shot gun. It also skips the whole introducion. Start a new game, and make a 180 degree turn and run forward. If done correctly you should fall to your death. (do you do everything a stranger tells you to?) Now say "Restart Level" and it will start you at the beginning of Mars City!
Cheat: Dev Cheat List
af_contactFrictionScale: scales the contact friction
af_forceFriction: force the given friction value
af_highlightBody: name of the body to highlight
af_highlightConstraint: name of the constraint to highlight
af_jointFrictionScale: scales the joint friction
af_maxAngularVelocity: maximum angular velocity
af_maxLinearVelocity: maximum linear velocity
af_showActive: show tree-like structures of articulated
figures not at rest
af_showBodies: show bodies
af_showBodyNames: show body names
af_showConstrainedBodies:show the two bodies contrained by the
highlighted constraint
af_showConstraintNames: show constraint names
af_showConstraints: show constraints
af_showInertia: show the inertia tensor of each body
af_showLimits: show joint limits
af_showMass: show the mass of each body
af_showPrimaryOnly: show primary constraints only
af_showTimings: show articulated figure cpu usage
af_showTotalMass: show the total mass of each articulated
af_showTrees: show tree-like structures
af_showVelocity: show the velocity of each body
af_skipFriction: skip friction
af_skipLimits: skip joint limits
af_skipSelfCollision: skip self collision detection
af_testSolid: test for bodies initially stuck in solid
af_timeScale: scales the time
af_useImpulseFriction: use impulse based contact friction
af_useJointImpulseFriction: use impulse based joint friction
af_useLinearTime: use linear time algorithm for tree-like
af_useSymmetry: use constraint matrix symmetry
ai_blockedFailSafe: enable blocked fail safe handling
ai_debugMove: draws movement information for monsters
ai_debugScript: displays script calls for the specified
monster entity number
ai_debugTrajectory: draws trajectory tests for monsters
ai_showCombatNodes: draws attack cones for monsters
ai_showObstacleAvoidance:draws obstacle avoidance information for
If 2, draws obstacles for player as well
ai_showPaths: draws path_* entities
cm_backFaceCull: cull back facing polygons
cm_debugCollision: debug the collision detection
cm_drawColor: color used to draw the collision models
cm_drawFilled: draw filled polygons
cm_drawInternal: draw internal edges green
cm_drawMask: collision mask
cm_drawNormals: draw polygon and edge normals
com_allowConsole: allow ~ to toggle console
com_asyncInput: sample input from the async thread
com_asyncSound: mix sound from the async thread
com_compressSaveGame: compress save games
com_forceGenericSIMD: force generic platform independent SIMD
com_journal: 1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal
com_machineSpec: hardware classification,
-1 = not detected,
0 = low quality,
1 = medium quality,
2 = high quality,
3 = ultra quality
com_makingBuild: 1 when making a build
com_memoryMarker: used as a marker for memory stats
com_preciseTic: run one game tick
every async thread update
com_purgeAll: purge everything between level loads
com_showAsyncStats: show async network stats
com_showFPS: show frames rendered per second
com_showMemoryUsage: show total and per frame memory usage
com_showSoundDecoders: show sound decoders
com_skipRenderer: skip the renderer completely
com_speeds: show engine timings
com_timestampPrints: print time with each console print,
1 = msec
2 = sec
com_updateLoadSize: update the load size
after loading a map
Cheat: Dev Cheat List Part II
com_videoRam: holds the last amount of
detected video ram
con_noPrint: print on the console but not
onscreen when
console is pulled up
con_notifyTime: time messages are displayed
onscreen when
console is pulled up
con_speed: speed at which the console
moves up and down
decl_show: set to 1 to print parses, 2
to also print references
g_armorProtection: armor takes this percentage of damage
g_armorProtectionMP: armor takes this percentage
of damage in mp
g_balanceTDM maintain even teams
g_bloodEffects: show blood splats, sprays and gibs
g_cinematic: skips updating entities that
aren't marked 'cinematic' '1'
during cinematics
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime: # of seconds to allow game to
run when skipping cinematic.
Prevents lock-up when
cinematic doesn't end.
g_countDown: pregame countdown in seconds
g_damageScale: scale final damage on player
by this factor
g_debugAnim: displays information on which
animations are playing on the
specified entity number. set
to -1 to disable.
g_debugBounds: checks for models with bounds > 2048
g_decals: show decals such as bullet holes
g_disasm: disassemble script into
base/script disasm.txt
on the local drive when script is compiled
g_doubleVision: show double vision when taking damage
g_dragEntity: allows dragging physics
objects around by
placing the: crosshair over them and
holding the fire button
g_editEntityMode: 0 = off
1 = lights
2 = sounds
3 = articulated figures
4 = particle systems
5 = monsters
6 = entity names
7 = entity models
g_flushSave: 1 = don't buffer file writing
for save games.
g_frametime: displays timing information
for each game frame
g_gameReviewPause: scores review time in seconds
(at end game)
g_healthTakeAmt: how much health to take in
nightmare mode
g_healthTakeLimit: how low can health get taken
in nightmare mode
g_healthTakeTime: how often to take health in
nightmare mode
g_mpWeaponAngleScale: Control the weapon sway in MP
g_muzzleFlash: Show muzzle flashes
g_nightmare: if nightmare mode is allowed
g_password : game password
g_projectileLights: show dynamic lights on
g_showActiveEntities: draws boxes around thinking
entities. Dormant entities
(outside of pvs) are drawn
yellow. non-dormant are
g_showBrass: enables ejected shells from
g_showcamerainfo: displays the current frame #
for the camera when playing
g_showEnemies: Draws boxes around monsters
that have targeted.
the the player
g_showPlayerShadow: Enables shadow of player model
g_showProjectilePct: Enables display of player hit percentage
g_showTargets: Draws entities and thier
targets. Hidden entities are
drawn grey.
g_showTestModelFrame: displays the current
animation and frame # for
g_showTriggers: draws trigger entities
(orange) and their targets
(green). Disabled triggers
are drawn grey.
g_skipViewEffects: skip damage and other view
g_spectatorChat: let spectators talk to
everyone during game
g_TDMArrows: draw arrows over teammates in
team deathmatch
g_testModelAnimate: test model animation, 0 =
cycle anime with origin reset
1 = cycle anim with fixed
2 = cycle anim with
continuous origin
3 = frame by frame with
continuous origin
4 = play anime once
g_testModelBlend: number of frames to blend
g_testModelRotate: test model rotation speed
g_testParticle: test particle visualation,
set by the particle editor
g_testParticleName: name of the particle being
tested by the
particle editor
g_testPostProcess: name of material to draw over
g_timeEntities: when non-zero, shows entities
whose think functions
exceeded the # of
milliseconds specified
Easter Egg: Old Tricks
If you enter "idkfa" or "iddqd" as a code, you get a nifty message that reads "Your memory serves you well" and it does, because it is a well-known cheats from the first little cheater. Submitted by: thewickedjester