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Game Name:
Cultures 2 Cheats
Date Added:
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NOTE: Cheat information below advert
Various Cheats Enter these codes during gameplay at the game option menu. Press F2 then enter a code below. A sound indicates correct code entry FUNCOLORS - Color toggle FUNOUTTAKE - Get outtakes FUNEXPLORE - Show map FUNLARRY - Sounds speeded up FUNMAPSMALL - ??? FUNMAPVERYBIG - ??? FUNMOREFUN - ??? Missions Go to the campaign select screen and type in a code below to missions. A sound indicates correct code entry. Level will show up on map after entered. HADSCHI Miklagard Mission HABSPASS Warager Guard Mission SVENKOMMT Battle for Byzantium Mission GOTHICRULES Alexandria Mission REGENGOTT Baghdad Mission SCHATTENFEE Wingrid Wall Mission OHODIN Normandy Mission ZANZARAH England Mission AMY Italy Mission