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During game play, press Enter. Type one of the following codes and press Enter
again to enable the following cheat code. If you entered the code correctly,
you will hear the sound of the predators mask switching vision types.
Note: There is a space between and the remaining portion of each code.
Effect Cheat Code
All weapons and ammo mpschuckit
Full ammunition mpkohler
Full ammunition mpstockpile
Full armor mpsmithy
Infinite ammunition mpbunker
Set health to indicated number mpdoctordoctor [number]
Show position info on/off mpgps
Teleport to level start with
default conditions mpbeamme
Toggle invincibility mpcanthurtme
Toggle no clipping mpsixthsense
Toggle rotation display mpgrs
Toggle size display mpsizeme
Toggle speed display mptachometer
Toggle third person view mpicu
Use keys to edit FOV value mpfov
Use keys to edit light amplification mplightadd
Use keys to edit light scale mplightscale
Use keys to edit vertext tint mpvertextint
Use keys to edit weapon breach mpbreach
Use keys to edit weapon offset 1 mpwmpos
Use keys to edit weapon offset 2 mpwpos
Marines have slurred voice mpmillertime
Change into indicated character type mpmorph [character type]
Level select for all three species mpxfiles