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WWF Wrestlemania  Playstation Cheats

Game Name:

  WWF Wrestlemania Cheats





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  NOTE: Cheat information below advert

WWF Wrestlemania  Cheats On Playstation
WWF Wrestlemania  Playstation Cheat Instuctions

Stop the Timer
Press START to pause the game, then press X, T, R2, L. The screen will flash. When you unpause,
the timer will be stopped just like in the made-for-TV movie The Girl, the Goldwatch, and
Dynamite! with Pam Dawber.

Super Strength
Pause the game and press X, T, L2, D. The screen will flash. When you unpause you'll be able to
cause extra damage.

Weaken Opponent
Pause the game and press X, T, L2, R. The screen will flash. When you unpause all of your
opponents' attacks will do less damage.

During the game, press START to pause the game, then press X, T, R2, U. You should see the
screen flash. Unpause the game and you'll see that your wrestler's energy bar will not go down when
you get hit.

Full Combos Meter
To start the game with a full combo meter, start at the Player Select Screen. Then press and hold L1
and R2. While holding those buttons press S, X, C, T. When you see the word 'Combo' appear
you'll know you've done it right. This code will also refill your combo meter faster when it is

Unlimited Combos
To make the Combo meter show up for every move, first go to the Character Select Screen. Hold
L1 and R2, then press S, X, C, T. When the Combo meter shows up beneath your character, you'll
know you've done it correctly

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