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Heroes of Might and Magic 4 PC Cheats

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  Heroes of Might and Magic 4 Cheats





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Heroes of Might and Magic 4 Cheats On PC
Heroes of Might and Magic 4 PC Cheat Instuctions

Crazy Codes:

Press TAB and input following codes:

nwcStMichael - angels
nwcSevenLittleGuys - dwarves
nwcMerlin - magi
nwcCronus - titans
nwcBlahBlah - vampires
nwcHades - devils
nwcAmbrosia - freematerials
nwcGoSolo - autoplay
nwcAres - wincombat
nwcAchilles - losecombat
nwcHephaestus - elvenchainmail
nwcEtTuBrute - daggerofdespair
nwcExcalibur - ringofgreaternegation
nwcNibelungenlied - swordofthegods
nwcTristram - crusaders
nwcLancelot - champions
nwcUnderTheBridge - trolls
nwcKingMinos - minotaur
nwcXanthus - nightmares
nwcFafnir - blackdragons
nwcDoYouSmellBrownies - sprites
nwcFenrir - wolves
nwcFixMyShoes - elves
nwcTheLast - unicorn
nwcRa - phoenix
nwcValkyries - ogremagi
nwcGrendel - behemoth
nwcPoseidon - seamonster
nwcPrometheus - shroudfow
nwcAthena - gainskill
nwcThoth - increaselevel
nwcIsis - learnspells
nwcRagnarok - losescenario
nwcHermes - unlimitedmovement
nwcValhalla - winscenario
nwcSacrificeToTheGods - maxluck
nwcSphinx - revealpuzzlemap
nwcAphrodite - tatooedwhitetrash
nwcImAGod - accesscheatmenu
nwcPan - maxmorale
nwcCityOfTroy - buildallbuildings
nwcOldMan - oldmanjack

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