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Van Wilder, National Lampoons  DVD Cheats

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  Van Wilder, National Lampoons Cheats





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Van Wilder, National Lampoons  Cheats On DVD
Van Wilder, National Lampoons  DVD Cheat Instuctions

Drink Recipe

On disc 1 highlight "Scenes", Push Up, this will put a star on the "Van Wilder" logo on her t-shirt. Press enter and you will be taken to the recipe for a drink, on her t-shirt.

Four Eggs

1) On the Main menu, highlight scene selections, but don't select it. Press up, and a yellow star will appear near the center of the screen. Press enter to see the girl from the menu do a nice little dance.

2) From the main menu, goto setup. Press up, and a black star should appear. Press down, and it will change to pink. Press Up, and it will change to Yellow. Press enter, and it will change to blue, and then it will cut to a video of the chick from the menu dancing again.

3) While still in the setup menu, go down to main menu link, but don't press enter. Press left, and a black Finger will appear. Press right, and it will change to pink. Press Left, and it will change to yellow. Press Enter, and the Menu chick will flash you.

4) Goto the last page of the scene selection and highlind the end credits scene, but don't select it. Press up, and a pink star will appear. Press down, and it will change to yellow. Press up, and it will change back to pink. Press Enter to see another Dance!

Yet, another Flashing

On the DISC 1, Veiw menus UNCENSORED. Select PLAY, which will bring up another menu to view full screen and wide screen. During the transition of menus she will flash you. Highlight MENU. (BUT DON'T SELECT IT!) Press left and a red hand will point to fullscreen. Press right and the arrow will be yellow. Then press right again (arrow is now red) and press enter. She'll flash you again as Van Wilder says, "Don't be a fool". Note, doesn't work in Censored.

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