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In the final mission in the last standoff room, there's a door in between the twin bunkers that will not open. On the left of that door is a lamp. If you stand beside the lamp, you should be covered fairly well by the wall the lamp is hanging from. The guards cannot get to you nor may they shoot you; however, you can shoot back at them.
Play the coloured game and pay attention to your reticule. When it shifts colour from white to another colour, you are targeting something interesting:
Red is hostile target
Blue is a destructable secondary objective.
Black is destructable environment.
Green is a friendly (rare).
You can't prime grenades in Black, and enemies will often run away from grenades the moment they see them. To make your grenades explode instantly, shoot 'em with your guns. You don't even have to be totally accurate.
After you melee once, press the reload button, as soon as you do that, press melee again. You will have performed two melees with less than a second delay between them. You can continue this cycle for as many quick melees as you wish.
When you need to reload, hit the reload button and quickly press the melee attack button to cancel the reload. Immediately press the reload button again to reload your weapon without the obstructive distance blur.
You can only carry two weapons at a time, but you can relocate a third weapon to a strategic location or next part of a mission.
Black Ops Difficulty - Clear all stages on hard difficulty.
M16A2 - Clear the game on BlackOps for an M16 w/ URGL attachment
Use 5SQQ-STHA-ZFFV-7XEV as a profile name (new profile). Note: Include the dashes. Once you confirm the profile name, the game will ask for a second (real) profile name. This code lets you have an MSAW in place of your side arm.