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Dark Forces  Macintosh Cheats

Game Name:

  Dark Forces Cheats





Date Added:


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  NOTE: Cheat information below advert

Dark Forces  Cheats On Macintosh
Dark Forces  Macintosh Cheat Instuctions

Cheat mode:

Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat

Effect Code

Full ammunition labrady
Toggle insect mode labug
Toggle map mode* lacds
View coordinates ladata
Toggle invincibility** laimlame
Teleport to starting point lantfh
All weapons, full health, shields, ammo, items lamaxout
Faster music and voices, small enemies laoz
Faster game play laops
Automatic jumping lapogo
All weapons, full ammo lapostal
Super weapons larandy
Pause enemies laredlite
Mission skip laskip

Full invincibility, unlimited ammo, weapon
supercharge laterminate

All items launlock

* Enable this code to view a full detailed map with item and
opponent location. Enable this code again to mark steps to a dark
green color. Enable this code again to return to normal. The full
map display is coded as follows: Blue triangle = shield units;
Blue square = ammo; Grey triangle = deceased opponent; Orange
triangle = dynamic scenery, Yellow dot = static scenery; Yellow
circle = Mouse Droid; Yellow triangle = live opponent.

** Your character can still die by falling.

Level codes:

Enter one of the following codes to begin game play at the
corresponding level.

Level Name Code

1 Secret Base lasecbase
2 Talay: Tak Base latalay
3 Anoat City lasewers
4 Research Facility latestbase
5 Gromas Mines lagromas
6 Detention Centre ladtention
7 Ramsees Head laramshed
8 Robotic Facility larobotics
9 Nar Shaddaar lanarshada
10 Jabba's Ship lajabship
11 Imperial City laimpcity
12 Fuel Station lafuelstat
13 The Executor laexecutor
14 The Arc Hammer laarc

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