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On both Anakin's and Obi-Wans storylines, there is a mission where you must last 2:00 until the Clones arrive. To complete those missions easier, go up and down on the screen while jumping. The most they will hit you is four times.
To run left, press Left, Left. To run right, press Right, Right.
Defeat the Anakin Skywalker bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter:
Defeat the Darth Vader bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.
Defeat Obi-Wan.
Defeat the General Grievous bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.
Defeat the Han Solo bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.
Defeat Anakin.
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Utapau Control Center mission.
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Jedi Temple Entrance mission.
Defeat the Jango Fett bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.