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Game Name:
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Cheats
Playstation 2
Date Added:
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NOTE: Cheat information below advert
Concept Art: To get concept art from the game, collect credits. The more credits you collect, the more art you will get. 3000 Credits - 1 Page 30,000 Credits - 10 Pages 60,000 Credits - 20 Pages 90,000 Credits - 30 Pages 120,000 Credits - 40 Pages 150,000 Credits - 50 Pages 180,000 Credits - 60 Pages 210,000 Credits - 70 Pages 240,000 Credits - 80 Pages 270,000 Credits - 90 Pages 330,000 Credits or more - 110 Pages Unlock Concept Art: To unlock all concept art, go to the Code Setup screen and enter "R ARTISTS ROCK" as a code. Unlock TGC Cards: To unlock all TGC Cards, go to the Code Setup screen and enter "GO FISH" as a code. Unlock Missions: To unlock missions, enter these codes at the Code Setup screen: Mission 1 - BEAST PIT Mission 2 - GIMMEMYJETPACK Mission 3 - CONVEYORAMA Mission 4 - BIGCITYNIGHTS Mission 5 - IEATNERFMEAT Mission 6 - VOTE4TRELL Mission 7 - LOCKUP Mission 8 - WHAT A RIOT Mission 9 - SHAFTED Mission 10 - BIGMOSQUITOS Mission 11 - ONEDEADDUG Mission 12 - WISHIHADMYSHIP Mission 13 - MOSGAMOS Mission 14 - TUSKENS R US Mission 15 - BIG BAD DRAGON Mission 16 - MONTROSSISBAD Mission 17 - VOSAISBADDER Mission 18 - JANGOISBADDEST Unlock Chapters: To unlock chapters, enter these codes at the Code Setup screen: Chapter 1 - SEEHOWTHEYRUN Chapter 2 - CITYPLANET Chapter 3 - LOCKDOWN Chapter 4 - DUGSOPLENTY Chapter 5 - BANTHAPOODOO Chapter 6 - MANDALORIANWAY