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Gato PC Cheats

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  Gato Cheats





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Gato Cheats On PC
Gato PC Cheat Instuctions

This is a trick for GATO which allows you to instantly move the submarine to any coordinate on the map without having to spend your time (or the ship's fuel) sailing there!

To get instantly to any map coordinate:

Keys / Effect

C - (Goes to Chart)
PAED - COORDINATES> XXXXX,XXXXX - (Goes to coordinates XXXXX,XXXXX on Chart) The XXXXX above can be any decimal number, and the two values should be separated by a comma but with no spaces in between. The first number is the East distance, the second the North distance, from lower left corner of Chart. 0,0 is the lower left hand corner of the map, but the sub sinks if you go there (or anywhere less than about 10,10). Each Box on Chart Map is 5000 X 5000, and each hatch mark on

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