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Driver Gameboy Cheats

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  Driver Cheats





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Driver Cheats On Gameboy
Driver Gameboy Cheat Instuctions

Cheat mode

At the main menu, highlight the "Undercover" option, then press Up(2), Down(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up(2), Down(2). Select the new cheat option that appears. Once in the cheat menu, press Right to activate or Left to de-activate the various cheats

Bank Job

Face, Face, Face, Face

Hide the Evidence

Tire Tread, Badge, Cone, Red Siren

Boat Chase

Stoplight, Key, Key, Blue Siren

Hit 5 Restaurants

Cone, Cone, Cone, Badge

Superfly Drive

Key, Red Siren, Red Siren, Stoplight

Bait for Trap

Key, Badge, Tire Tread, Blue Siren

Take out DiAngelo

Badge, Cone, Badge, Red Siren

Los Angeles

Steal a Cop Car

Red Siren, Badge, Key, Tire Tread

Get Lucky to Doctor

Cone, Blue Siren, Red Siren, Red Siren

Beverly Hills Getaway

Badge, Badge, Stoplight, Cone

New York

Grand Central Station

Blue Siren, Key, Key, Key

Trash Granger Car

Stoplight, Tire Tread, Red Siren, Badge

Stop Grangers gang (5 cars)

Key, Badge, Badge, Cone

Chase down Grangers Boy

Red Siren, Blue Siren, Red Siren, Blue Siren

Crosstown Race

Tire Tread, Key, Cone, Stoplight

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