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Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun PC Cheats

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  Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Cheats





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Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Cheats On PC
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun PC Cheat Instuctions

Clear Land for Building:

If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the hills and raised land come down. Take any vehicles you like, and fire all of them at the raised land. The land will eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to fire too much or an unwanted valley will be created! This does not work on mountains.

Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:

When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded, ie. power plants. If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully repaired. The only money that you will lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.

Health From Tiberium:

To make a Mutant Hijackers gain health from Tiberium, simply order them into a field of it. Their health will rapidly regenerate. This only works with Mutants; regular infantry will die if they are ordered into Tiberium.

One hit unit kills:

When playing as Nod, if you have the laser fence sections you can kill any unit one hit. Set up two laser sections as you would normaly. Turn one of them off with the lightning icon thing. When a unit passes between the fences turn it back on. Any unit, even the Mammoth mk2 is destroyed. This is very effective in multiplayer if there are alot of bridges

Easy way to destroy enemies:

Build a Tiberium Waste Facility and a Missle Silo. Then, when your Chemical Missile is ready, wait for your Tiberium Waste Facility to fill up again. When it does, fire your Multi Missle at your opponent's Construction Yard, which should destroy it. Then, fire your Chemical Missile at the Weapons factory. It may not be destroyed, but you will have another Chemical Missile ready. Also fire that missile at the Weapons Factory, which should finish its destruction. The enemy cannot build any more, or build vehicles. The Chemical Missile should make all surrounding troops Viceroids. The Viceroids will destroy most of the surviving buildings.

Winning with an air assault:

The easiest way towards victory using an air assault is to take out the SAM sites. However, when you bomb SAM sites they just re-appear. When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers. Send them to the opposing teams base maker, take over the base maker, and quickly sell it. If the other team is NOD, you will first have to disable their power plants.

Control NOD ore processor and mining vehicle:

Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI mission. Position an engineer next to the NOD ore processor and wait for the mining vehicle to dock with the structure before capturing it. You will get control of the building and the vehicle.

Easy building capture and profit:

When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill them with engineers and a Cyborg Commando. Take the APCs within their base and pop up next to something important (GDI Upgrade Center, Tiberium Refinery, etc.). Have your engineers pour out and have them take it over. The commando will protect the building that you capture. Should he fail, sell the building for an easy profit.

Baby Visceriods:

To MAKE baby visceriods, order an infantry unit into tiberium until the soldier dies. Be careful though, once they become adults they are not friendly.

Hijacking Vehicles:

Take a Mutant Hijacker in to a city and find a Car, truck or a bus, and select it. Now you have control over the Vehicle. They are used as transports.

Kill a Cyborg Commando in One Hit:

If you want to kill a Cyborg Commando, with out losing all of your units, there is a very simple way to do it. (You have to be able to build a GDI Firestorm Wall Generator, and Firestorm wall sections.) First fortify your base and build it up until you have the option to build a Firestorm wall, and sections, then build firestorm walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of the sections turn the Firestorm generator on and Blam! All of your problems are solved.

Infinite Firestorm Wall:

If you have a firestorm wall and it is fully charged, you can make it last forever without having to turn it off to charge. First charge your wall fully, then turn it on. Before it turns off or runs out of power sell or turn off your power plants until the words "On Hold" appear in the firestorm Icon. Your wall will stay on forever and will not run out of power until you build or turn on your power plants.

Level 9 Hint:

At this moment the most asked question is: "How do I get behind the lasercannon ( The Obelisk of light ). Well, at the right of the cannon there is a small base with a 'hand of NOD' building and a few powerplants. first at all you must distroy the units on that base. After that distroy all the power plants.So the NOD has low power. Then you can pass the laser cannon or you can distroy it. when you go to the top of the map there is a base you can capture. capture it and distroy all NOD units.

Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard:

To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload the engineers and capture the base.NOTE: THIS WILL NOT WORK IF ENEMY HAS BASE PAVED OFF.

Infinite Troops:

During the second mission build exactly 68 infantry to allow you infinite troops on the 12 mission (make sure the troops dont die or get injured or the cheat is invalid).

Someone Said This Was the Real Way:

Ok here is the Real way. Take 1 MLRS hoover tank and the APC to the upper-most left hand point that is still out of range of the obleisk. Then attack the obleisk with the other two MLRS's and sneak the APC and hoover tank past the obleisk. Make sure to attack first so that the Obleisk hits one of the attacking hoover tanks and no the one escorting the APC. Time it right and its easy. Then take over the Construction Yard of the old GDI base. Destroy the power plants outside the firestorm walls to get a engineer inside to the Yard. Now secure the area by turning on the "turrets" by useing that "lightning" button by the "sell" command. Read my next tip to finish off the level and everyone after it.

Double the range of your disk throwers:

In order for this trick to work you must have some disk throwers (this works best with flat terrain). Then send them out to battle. Press the [Ctrl] key and force fire toward your target (not at the target. Aim for the ground in front of it). The discs will bounce off of the ground and if you aimed right, hit the target. With this, you can destroy those laser cannons or light towers without getting fired at or detected.

Stealth Generator Hint:

When you are NOD and can build a stealth generator, not only is there no use for pavement but it hurts your as well. when you build pavement and a generator the genrator does not put the pavement into stealth. so if your playing against a friend (the computer is stupid so you can do it with them) dont use pavement or they will be able to see where your base is. but if your playing with redeployable mcv's then it wont matter because you can throw them of by moving it and putting pavement somewhere else and then moving your mcv back.

Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard:

To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload the engineers and capture the base.NOTE: THIS WILL NOT WORK IF ENEMY HAS BASE PAVED OFF.

Conquering Tip:

Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's say Obelisk of Light).Don't Deploy the structure until you conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it next to your just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post in their base. Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers to conqure more buildings

Cripple Enemy in Skirmish:

If NOD during a skirmish map find the Construction Yard and the Weapons Factory they are always very close. Send the Subterranian APC with 3 Engineers A Cyborg Commando and a Highjacker. Have a Oblisk of Light ready get in grab the weapons factory and Construction Yard (YOU MUST GET THIS ONE WEAPONS FACTORY IS OPTIONAL) and put the oblisk at their base hahahah youve screwed them build a barraks and waa laa what happens next is up to you. (DOESNT WORK IF PAVEMENT IS AROUND IT)

Secret Level - "Power Grid" (GDI):

In the level where you must destroy the chemical missle base first select to free the mutants. Then take the level where you have to destroy the supply base. Instead of destroying all the chemical tanks you can go north west to find a train. Take the mutants and the ghost stalker with you that you just received by reinforcement, and complete the new objective by getting the ghost stalker on the train. Then destroy the rest of the chemical tanks and get in the level called The "Power Grid".


At the 8th mission, it will be easier to destroy the 2nd generator in the nod base if u keep 2 engineers at hand, one to take over the construction yard in the nod base u encounter b4 the 2nd generator, and one to take over the refinary. After that, build a power plant, build a hand of nod for engineers to take over the enemy's hand of nod, or just blow it up, and a war factory.. build one tick tank and one artillary and position it at the middle of the two bridges, deploy them and happy killing the generator!

Game Tips:

Tip 1:

The tried-and-true tank rush has become a bad memory by the time of Tiberian Sun--defenses are too cheap and fast to build. Instead, look at longer-term, combined-arms assaults to destroy your enemy's base.

Tip 2:

In the quest to find and restore the Hammerfist Base, look for the base in the top left corner of the map.

Tip 3:

For the NOD, a group of missile bikes makes for an excellent distraction while the main forces smash down walls and turrets elsewhere. This works especially well against human opponents. Often a few bikes can break through defenses and wreak havoc deep in an enemy base

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