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Counterstrike  PC Cheats

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  Counterstrike Cheats





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Counterstrike  Cheats On PC
Counterstrike  PC Cheat Instuctions

Cheat Codes
Enter the console (press ~ by default) and enter sv_cheats 1 to activate cheat mode. You can then activate cheats with the following codes: Then, change maps by typing "changelevel dust" (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the desired cheat:

$16,000 = impulse101
Arctic sniper rifle = givespaceweapon_awp
Auto-aim with sniper = rifle sv_aim
Adjust gravity = sv_gravity [-999 - 999999]
See and fire through walls and objects = gl_zmax[0-9999](default value is 3600)
Change lighting so you can see in dark =lambert -1.0001
View other players' frags = cl_hidefrags 0
Faster forward motion = cl_forwardspeed 999
Faster backwards motion = cl_backspeed 999
Faster side motion = cl_sidespeed 999
Level select = changelevel [MAP NAME]
Weapon select = give weapon_[WEAPON NAME]
Money and Weapons

To get 16000$ which is the max, sv_cheats must be on. So type in the following in your console:

sv_cheats 1

This will enable the cheats. After activating you must restart the level/map. Then type in impuse 101 in your console and you will have 16000 dollars!

The other code is for the weapons. I dont want to take all the time to explain all the weapon names because if you already play Counter-Strike alot you should know the weapons/weapon code names. to get the weapons you must have the cheats activated once again sv_cheats 1.

Now type the following in your console

give weapon_< -weapon name here- >

Adjust Gravity

After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with sv_gravity <-999 - 999999>

Go To Map

After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with changelevel < mapname >. For example: "changelevel dust" (without the quotes of course).

Speed Upgraded

To upgrade the speed of your movements, go to your console and type:

cl_forwardspeed 999. Repeat this with cl_sidespeed 999 and cl_backspeed 999... After doing all of these, you'll move VERY fast.

See Thru Wall

Type gl_zmax 100
gl_zmax 3600 will disable this cheat

C4 timer to 10 sec

Type the following in your console:
mp_c4timer 10

Auto aim only to sniper rifles

Type this in your console:
sv_cheats 1 and then type sv_aim

See Others' Records

cl_hidefrags 0 = To see other peoples records of kills and deaths.

Misc CS Beta 6.6 Cheats(LAN)This cheat takes effect on CS Beta 6.6 (LAN games). Bring down the console, and type these cheats:

gl_alphamin 1 : removes ladders, nets or fences...
de_aztec : removes net on bridge
cs_militia : removes fence at CT base.)
sv_aim: adjust_crosshair(change the color of the crosshair)

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