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Halloween PC Cheats

Game Name:

  Halloween Cheats





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  NOTE: Cheat information below advert

Halloween Cheats On PC
Halloween PC Cheat Instuctions

To enter cheat mode
Press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Code Effect
god Toggle God mode
version Display game version
map Level select
mapcomplete Level skip
noclip Toggle no clipping
respawn Toggle monster from respawn
monster No monsters
developer Toggle developer mode
record Start recording demo
stoprecord Stop recording demo
play Play recorded demo
stopplay Stop playing recorded demo
musictrack Change the current music track
prestrack Last music track played
drawface Toggle drawing of texture faces
drawtris Draw map sections
drawgun Toggle drawing of weapons held
drawportal Toggle outlining of portals and doors
drawnormal Toggle drawing wall normals
pview Toggle third person or static view
drawbound Toggle highlighting of bound objects
drawcell Toggle highlighting of individual cells
fov Change field of view
jumpstep Change jumpstep value
groundacc Accelerated speed on ground
groundslow Slower speed on ground
gravity Gravity
exit Quit game
maxspeed Maximum movement speed
airacc Accelerated speed in air
airslow Slower speed in air
soundsys Change current sound system
bombslow Speed at which bombs slow
musicvol Set music volume
soundvol Set sound volume
autoswitch Toggle auto-switch weapons mode
fullscreen Toggle full screen or windowed mode
colordepth Change current bit depth
videomode Change current video mode
statutbar Toggle HUD display
animspeed Animation speed
lightmap Toggle lightmapping
cullface Toggle backface culling
renderent Toggle rendering of entities
noscript Toggle scripting in game engine
resetgame Reset internal game state
saveconfig Save current configuration to file
loadconfig Load configuration from file
picmip Change amount of offset pixels during mipmapping
gamma Change gamma
drawfsp <0 or 1> Toggle framerate display
invertmouse Invert mouse control
killdepla Amount of Depla's killed
killmorba Amount of Morba's killed
killzeubat Amount of Zeubat's killed
killsubzerat Amount of Subzerats killed
killzemummy Amount of Zemummy killed
directstart Unknown
eps Unknown
offset Unknown
leaf Unknown
Cvel Unknown
Pvel Unknown
Prvel Unknown
Plook Unknown
bms Unknown
bmd Unknown
drawone Unknown

Map names
Use one of the following entries with the map code.


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