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101st Airborne in Normandy PC Cheats

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  101st Airborne in Normandy Cheats





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101st Airborne in Normandy Cheats On PC
101st Airborne in Normandy PC Cheat Instuctions

Enter any of the following "Codes" during gameplay:

Code Effect

AirNormandy :Soldiers Re-Jump into Normandy
AngryManDinners :Soldiers are Given Food
Iknow :Displays All Germans, Equipment Bags, Insides of Buildings
TraitorTraitor :Current Soldier Surrenders
PoisonPod :Removes All Parachutes
Weasel :All Soldiers on the Map are Made Available
YouGoSquishNow :All the Germans on the Map are Killed
PrisonPod :removes all parachutes.
Helllive :all the germans on the map are killed.
Ihaveyounow :all the germans on the map are surrendered.
Beef :all the cows on the map are killed.
Heknows :turns off Iknow.
Robocop3 :makes your soldier go berzek.
Hohoho :Gives your GI a brand new MG42 plus two ammo belts

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